The IN Instrumentation index field is an effective and extremely efficient tool for locating...
a) direct references to behavioral instruments in the database (i.e., records of articles publishing newly created instruments).
b) references to psychometric studies (i.e., studies undertaken to establish the validity and reliability of particular survey instruments).
c) secondary references to behavioral instruments in the database (articles reporting the findings of studies wherein the instrument was used to collect and measure the data).
To use the IN Instrumentation field:
1) Enter the search terms of the question you wish to measure in the top search box
2) Open and scroll down the Index drop down menu
3) Locate and select IN Instrumentation from the menu (between IB ISBN and IP Issue)
4) Click the Search button to perform the search.
Each record retrieved will contain an Instrumentation field itemizing every survey, questionnaire or scale used to collect data for the study in question.
Note: A CINAHL Instrumentation search will help locate topically relevant measurement instruments for health science and nursing research.
It will not necessarily help you determine the copyright status and authorship of the instrument. And it probably will not include a copy of the instrument in the document full text.
To locate the actual instrument and determine copyright status and authorship, you will to search other databases, like ProQuest Dissertations and Theses Online.