The field defaults for keyword searching in Health and PsycoSocial Instruments cover the following indexes:
• TI (Test) Title
• AU Author
• AB Abstracts
• ST Subscale
• SU Subject Headings
Keyword in this database covers most (but not all) of the important available text fields and is the best option for "wide angle," broad searching of HaPI.
The most helpful indexes for narrow angle, focused searching in this database are
1) AC Acronym - helpful if you know the acronym of a specific instrument you are seeking.
2) ME Measure - indexes terms describing the variables the instrument is intended to measure.
3) ST Subscale - indexes terms describing the variables measured by an instrument's subscales.
The ST Subscale field is incorporated into HaPI's keyword searching defaults. So a keyword search for your topic automatically searches the subscale field.
Searching the acronym or measure fields, however, requires a separate search of these individual indexes (see instructions below).