EBSCO Federated search simultaneously searches all subject relevant EBSCO databases for records matching your search strategy.
To perform an EBSCO Federated search for instruments,
1) Log in to a subject appropriate EBSCOhost database
2) Enter an All Text nested "OR" search strategy in the search boxes (see...) and run an initial search of the database
3) Find and click the Choose Databases link (immediately above the search boxes)
i. This will open a Choose Databases submenu, displaying every database to which UT Tyler currently has access
4) Select each database you wish to include in your Federated Search (by clicking the check box immediately left of the title)
5) Click the OK button
6) Click the Search button to initiate your search
In a Federated search, EBSCO will always distinguish a record's database of origin at the bottom of the citation record in the results display:
Note: many database vendors enable Federated searching across their subscribed databases including: WorldCat/First Search, ProQuest, Gale databases, etc.)