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MOT - New Cohort Library Orientation

Full Text Discovery Tools

Research articles are frequently paywall restricted. A paywall is an online toll barrier preventing access to a document until a fee is paid to the publisher.

Most subscription-based journals and databases use paywalls to incentivize customer buy-in: no purchase/subscription? No access!

The Open Access movement is making a lot of clinical research freely available to consumers, by charging authors or their institutions a publication fee.

But the subscription-based business model is still predominant.

As UT Tyler Pharmacy students, you can access the subscription-based resources maintained by the College of Pharmacy, to support your learning.

But its not always easy to tell what is and isn't available through the UTT Library, especially when searching resources like Pubmed and Google Scholar.

Here are some apps that can help you locate accessible full text content: LibKey Nomad, Unpaywall.

LibKey Nomad is a browser app that will alert you whenever subscription-based content you are browsing online is subscribed by your library and (therefore) accessible to you.

Here is a brief video that demonstrates how it works: 

And below is a link to the LibKey Nomad download page: 

Databases with which LibKey Nomad Integrates:

Pubmed (perfect integration)

Google Scholar (integrates at the individual record level)

Web of Science (integrates at the individual record level)


LibKey Nomad Demo:

Unpaywall is a browser app that links search results with Open Access documents available on the web.

It can only retrieve content published under the Open Access model. But there is a lot of OA content available on the web now. And this is another great tool to have at your disposal.

Below is a short video demonstrating how to download, install and use the app:

And here is a link to the Unpaywall homepage where the app can be downloaded:

Setting Up Google Scholar Library Links Video (2:22 min)

Steps to Library Links (for UT Tyler Library) in Google Scholar

1. From Google Scholar, locate & select the triple sideways lines (aka hamburger icon) in the top left of the screen,

2. Locate & select the Settings Menu,

3. Locate & select the Library Links option.

4. Type "University of Texas at Tyler" into the command line and click the blue search button

5. Locate and select (check the check box for) University of Texas at Tyler.

Active UT Tyler access Links

When activated UT Tyler access links will flag any reference to subscribed content through the Robert R. Muntz Library.

Click the UT Tyler access link for immediate navigation to the full text.

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