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Graduate Nursing Library Guide

A guide to advanced search techniques & strategy for scholarly literature research.

Finding Full Text (FT)

Many publications are subscription-based (aka paywalled). Library resources usually provide access to both paywalled and free open access journals.

If you need a specific article, and remember the database where you found its citation, start looking there.

Locating full text while searching a database

1. Scan for Full Text icons: Screen shot of EBSCOHost Full Text Icons: HTML & PDF full text icons respectively

When you see a full-text icon next to a search result, simply click it! This will usually lead you directly to the full article.

2. No full text icons, try the following:

  • DOI link
    Many articles have a DOI (Digital Object Identifier). Clicking the DOI link can sometimes take you directly to the full text version.

  • Interlibrary Loan Icon Screen shot of EBSCOHost Borrow from Another Library icon 

This icon suggests the library lacks access to the journal. Unfortunately, this is not always accurate. When possible, verify using Browzine. (select the tab above to learn how)


If you do not have time to wait for an interlibrary loan request...

  • Use Browzine to quickly confirm if the library has access to the specific journal.

  • If Browzine confirms the library lacks access, your only option is to initiate an interlibrary loan request by selecting Borrow from Another Library.

3. Still no luck?

Forward the citation to your librarian to check on your behalf. NEVER pay for an article!

Browsing Journals by Subject or Title

BrowZine allows you to browse scholarly journals available through Muntz Library. You can search "Nursing" or more focused topics/areas of Nursing. Try terms including:

  • Critical Care Nursing

  • Emergency Nursing

  • Nursing Administration

  • Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing

  • Surgical Nursing

BrowZine also allows you to search for specific journal titles. Select "Get Started" to learn how. 


Select the image below to see a full list (by subject) of academic journal titles the library subscribes to: 

Interlibrary Loan/ILLIAD How To...

What is ILLIAD?

  • ILLIAD is the library's interlibrary loan (ILL) request system. ILL is a service that allows you to borrow books, articles, or other materials that Muntz Library does not own from another library that does.  

Who can use it?

  • It's available for use by any current UTTyler student, faculty member or staff member. 

Is it Free or are there costs?

  • We try our best to obtain FREE loans but if the lending library charges, you will be charged. You tell us what you are willing to pay in the request form. To ensure a free loan enter ZERO into your request form.  

What Can I Request?

  • Use it to request journal articles, books, book chapters.

How will I receive requested material?

  • Article & book chapter requests are delivered electronically to your library account inbox as pdf documents. 
  • Print books and other physical items are posted by mail to distance students. Campus-based students pick up materials at the 2nd floor library service desk. 

Are there any prerequisites to using ILLIAD?

  • It requires free account set-up to use.

Example citation in APA format copied from Pubmed: 

Aarsland D. (2020). Epidemiology and Pathophysiology of Dementia-Related Psychosis. The Journal of clinical psychiatry81(5), AD19038BR1C.

You will need at least the following information to submit a manual request: 

  • Journal Title - The Journal of clinical psychiatry
  • Year of Publication - 2020
  • Page Numbers - not included in this citation. You can enter "unknown"
  • Article Title - Epidemiology and Pathophysiology of Dementia-Related Psychosis
  • Not Wanted After Date - Ente the appropriate date based on your needs.
  • Applicable Charges - what are you willing to pay? Zero is an acceptable answer. We try our best to borrow free resources. 

This information is optional but will help with faster processing: 

  • Volume - 81
  • Issue - 5
  • Month - not included in this citation. 
  • Article Author - Aarsland D.
  • Notes - include anything that will help us locate the article. The DOI is a great addition ( 

Databases like CINAHL have an ILL auto-request option. View the tutorial below to learn how to use it.  

1. Locate & click the View menu (lower middle option of left column facets menu),

2. Select Electronically Received Articles,

3. Locate the row of the received article you wish to view,

4. Click the corresponding link in the View column.

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