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Psychology & Counseling

This guide is designed to inform the UT Tyler Community about resources for studies in all aspects of Psychology & Counseling.

Free E-Textbooks

Click HERE to access the Library-Provided E-Textbook Guide.

DSM-5-TR at the Library

The library has a physical copy of Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition (also known as DSM-5-TR) available at the Ready Reference section on the second floor of the library near the Help Desk.


Additionally, the library has two important companion titles, also located in the Ready Reference section, related to the DSM-5:

  • DSM-5 Clinical Cases (RC 473.D54 D76 2014) (Catalog Record)
  • DSM-5 Guidebook: The Essential Companion to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition (RC455.2.C4 D55 2014) (Catalog Record)


These titles cannot be checked out or taken outside the library.

E-Book Databases


Below is a working copy of the search box from our library homepage. Known as Swoop Search, this discovery search box searches across most of the library's resources all at once and can search external resources.


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Databases by Title || Journals by Title || Research Guides by Subject


Search the catalogs of libraries worldwide. Select the image below to access the catalog. WorldCat will also tell you which libraries near you may have your item.

Essential Research Methods Texts in Psychology & Counseling

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