If you need assistance, please contact Nick Bambach at nbambach@uttyler.edu or by phone at 903-566-7314.
You may want to include the following information (to expedite the process):
This section details how UT Tyler students, faculty, and staff can access copyright permission regarding sharing information from particular journals. Copyright Clearance Center and RightFind Academic detail what types of sharing are allowed.
Navigating copyright policies and permissions can be complicated. If you have questions or need any assistance, please contact Sarah Norrell at snorrell@uttyler.edu or 903-566-7472.
On-campus access
Go to Copyright Clearance Center's RightFind Academic page and search for a journal. Once you search, you should automatically see permissions listed.
Off-campus access
Go to Copyright Clearance Center's RightFind Academic page and click on "Register Your Account". When creating an account, use your UT Tyler email account for your email address. Once you have created an account, you can search for journal permissions.
In RightFind Academic, click on "View more ways to share" to see the permissions allowed for a journal.
Note: You may not see the permission you're looking for listed in the examples. Generally, if a journal allows for digital sharing and photocopy sharing, you may use the content in your work--as long as your work includes proper citation and a disclaimer that your use is for academic and/or educational use.
When using a survey, instrument, or other technical section of a work, in your own research, it is important to include a disclaimer including how and why you are using that section.
Examples of disclaimers include:
To ensure proper attribution, include the full citation of the article from which the instrument originated.