To find company profiles, use the following databases. Here you can find information about a company's history, its subsidiaries, stock performance, corporate structure, finances, and more.
No matter your area of study, you will need to know about statistics -- what they are, what they do, and what they mean.
For many people, learning statistics can be difficult. One reason is because there are so many different types of statistics used for so many different things!
Plus, understanding higher-level statistics (e.g., multivariate analysis, structural equation modeling, etc.) requires mastery of basic, lower-level statistics and methodological concepts (e.g., scales of measurement, measures of central tendency, tests of correlation, etc.)
A popular statistical program is called SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences). The latest, most up-to-date version of SPSS is version 21. Muntz Library has version 20, which is very similar, though nuances for certain features and functions may exist.
If you are on campus, SPSS can be found on all library reference computers on the 2nd floor of the library. Also, SPSS is available on the computers in the Technology Support Center in RBN 3022.
If you have technical problems with SPSS, contact UT Tyler Technology Support Center for support.