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Watson W. Wise Medical Research Library

Interlibrary Loan (ILL) is a resource sharing service that allows our users to borrow items that we do not own or subscribe, from another library

Books and articles not available in the Wise Library's collections can be requested from other libraries through interlibrary loan (ILL). ILL services are available (for free) to any UTHSCT student, faculty or staff member, post-doc student, medical resident, intern, fellow, and medical or other student on rotation at HSC. 

To Initiate an ILL Request: 

Delivery Times

Turnaround time for delivery of requested items varies. Please allow a minimum of three to five business days for journal article requests. For physical items, allow up to 14 business days. 

Delivery Delays 

Some ILL requests take longer than anticipated to fill. Here are some common reasons this occurs:

• Rare Item: when a resource is held/subscribed by a small number of libraries, few may be willing to lend. 

• Few/no free lenders: free lenders are prioritized first, 


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