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Library-Provided eTextbooks

Limited Users! See more information iconNote on limited-use ebooks

Due to publisher limitations, some ebooks may only be checked out by 3-6 users at any given time. Any time you login to print, save, or download any portion of the book you are checking it out. Additionally, reading online for longer than 30 minutes will trigger a checkout. You are absolutely allowed to do so, just remember that this may not be an option if 3-6 other students are doing the same thing at that moment. If this is the case, you will see a message stating that the book has reached its check-out limits, and to try again at a specific time.

In order to mitigate wait times, please choose the shortest checkout option, usually 1 hour. You can download the chapter you need, then the book will be available for another student. 

Fall 2023