What is the role of pollination and pollinators in conservation in the Amazon? What is the question asking? Do you have any preexisting knowledge of the topic?
What is the role of pollination and pollinators in conservation in the Amazon?
What is the role of pollination and pollinators in conservation in the Amazon?
Using synonyms for search terms can retrieve additional relevant results.
E.g. Role = function, importance, contribution
By combining keywords and phrases with AND, we are search for both together. For example:
pollination AND pollinators | Amazon AND conservation
Use OR to search for synonyms or broaden the search. Using OR produces results with either term. For example:
"Adenosine Triphosphate" OR ATP
Use NOT to exclude terms from your search results
Using NOT excludes results that you do not want included in your search, providing narrower results. I
fish NOT freshwater
To search an exact phrase, enclose the terms inside “quotation marks.” If the phrase is typed without quotation marks, the search results will include each word individually. This creates a massive number of irrelevant results.
“natural selection” | “cell cycle” | “acid base balance”
Use an asterisk * to shorten a term to include variations.
spectro* = spectroscopy, spectroscopic, spectroscope, spectrometer. Not spectrum
*Not every word is conducive for truncation. For example, stor* will return results with story, store, storm, and storage.
Wildcard searching uses a question mark ? to substitute for one letter. This is useful for maximizing searches with terms like wom?n, which will return results including woman and women. Another example: c?sium = cesium, caesium
Create personal accounts in frequently used databases to save searches and schedule alerts for specific topics.
Be patient and give yourself ample time to explore your topic in different ways and various databases.
Acronyms that have more than one use can return large numbers of irrelevant results.
SST = Supersonic transport, Smart systems and technologies, sea surface temperature
Databases have different rules related to searching. They will typically have an easily accessible guide and/or indicate when a particular search type in invalid.