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Marketing & Management

Research guide for Marketing and Management


Use the following databases to get industry-level data and industry-related information.

The best database we have that offers industry reports is IBISWorld. You can use Business Source Complete to supplement IBISWorld, as well as Mergent Online to get information about companies within specific industries and LexisNexis to get news about specific industries.

Be sure to look at the four "How to" documents I've created for each database, located in a separate box on this page.


SIC (Standard Industrial Classification) codes were developed in 1937 to help classify areas of industry. Click here for a complete list of SIC codes.

NAICS (North American Industry Classification System) codes were developed in 1997 for the same purpose, to classify industry. Click here for a complete list of NAICS codesAlso, familiarize yourself with NAICS using the Introduction to NAICS website.

Though both codes are currently being used, NAICS is slowly replacing SIC.

You can use these codes to look up industry-specific information in our databases, as well as many other resources.

If you are doing industry-level research, you should know which NAICS code(s) are relevant to your industry of interest.

NAICS codes also may be used to look up SEC filings in the EDGAR databse. This is a free resource provided by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission.

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