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Distance Students

To our students in other cities - just because you aren't taking your classes at the main campus, does not mean you can't use Robert R. Muntz Library resources! This page will provide information on InterLibrary Loan and TexShare, as well as how to virtually visit with your librarian.

Note About Off-Campus Use

note for distance and online users

Have you heard about the Virtual Desktop?


Logging into the Virtual Desktop allows you to connect to our network and turn your home computer or laptop into an extension of the computers we have here on campus. You can access your Patriots or UT Tyler email, Canvas, MyUTTyler, and more! Best of all, you can more easily access library resources from the Horizon Desktop - connecting to our databases through the virtual desktop means you're automatically authenticated as a user!

InterLibrary Loan -Distance Students

InterLibrary Loan (ILL) is a service that allows students to borrow items from other libraries, if Muntz Library doesn't have it. You submit a request for a book, journal article, conference paper - whatever type of source you need - and we see if we can find it for free! 

Books are sent to you with an already paid return envelope.

Articles & book chapters are sent as PDFs and yours to keep.

For books, pay close attention to the due date on the item. There is a $1 per day, per item late fee for ILL items. Please ensure that you put items in the mail with enough time for them to get to us by the due date!

As a distance student, you can also have Muntz Library materials delivered to your home. Simply submit the request through ILL as though the item is not in our catalog, and we will mail the item to you!

If you have any questions about using interlibrary loan, please email:



TexShare is another service that allows you to borrow items from other libraries. However, you will browse and pick up your items at the lending library.

Fill out the TexShare card application from the library website. You can scan and email the application to the circulation desk (, but you must use your Patriots email account to do so! Your card will be mailed to you.

With your card you can borrow from most university and public libraries in your area. Please note that you may need a UT Tyler ID in addition to your TexShare card. For specific information on the borrowing privileges, use this page to find libraries near you. Once you have selected a library, click on the "See TexShare Card Lending Policy" link to find out what you need to bring with you, how many items you may borrow, and how long you can use them.


Sometimes email or talking on the phone just isn't enough to get answers to your research questions. The solution - we can Zoom! With this free software we can see each other through web cams and share our screens so you can more easily see what the librarian is doing (and vice versa). Contact your librarian to set up an appointment!

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