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Note About Off-Campus Use

note for distance and online users

Have you heard about the Virtual Desktop?


Logging into the Virtual Desktop connects you to our network and turns your home computer or laptop into an extension of the computers on campus.

  • Access your Patriots or UT Tyler email, Canvas, My UTTyler, and more!
  • Easily access library resources - connecting to our databases through the virtual desktop means you're automatically authenticated as a user!

For more information, check out our Off-Campus Access Guide!

The Library Website

Below is a working copy of the search box from our former library homepage. Known as Swoop Search, this discovery search box searches across most of the library's resources all at once and can search external resources.


Search for books, articles, media, and more

Advanced Search

Databases by Title || Journals by Title || Research Guides by Subject


One of the most common questions we get is: "Where do I start?" The answer depends on how much you already know about your subject and what type of resources you need.

Are you unfamiliar with your topic or unsure which subject area it falls under?

Start with Swoop Search

  • Results will include books, journal articles, newspaper articles, theses, dissertations, book reviews, and more!

  • The results screen contains additional filters to narrow down your choices. 

  • Select Advanced Search (under the box) for a more  targeted search across multiple types of resources.

Are you already familiar with your topic or looking for a specific citation?

Databases by Title or Journals by Title links go straight to those resources.

The Research Guides by Subject link takes you to a topical list of guides that provide suggestions and resources in over 40 subject areas.

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