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Biology: Additional Library Resources

Resources curated by your liaison librarian to help with finding information

Theses and Dissertations

proquest theses and dissertations global

A collection of dissertations and theses from around the world, spanning from 1743 to the present day.

Scholar works at ut tyler

A repository that collects, preserves, and distributes the scholarly and artistic work of the UT Tyler community; including theses and dissertations and submitted faculty publications.

Explore the fascinating world of archives and special collections

The University Archives and Special Collections (UASC) is part of the Robert R. Muntz Library and supports the missions and goals of the Library and UT Tyler. The collections represent the history of the University and the surrounding communities of Tyler and Smith County. 

The UASC is also home to the University's Institutional Repository, Scholar Works. Scholar Works houses the scholarly and creative output of members of UT Tyler faculty, staff, and students. Our archivist, Joy Pitts, can also answer questions about copyright and publishing.

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