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Engineering: Engineering Standards

Standars and Codes

What is a standard?

"A standard ... provides requirements, specifications, guidelines or characteristics that can be used consistently to ensure that materials, products, processes and services are fit for their purpose" (From the International Organization for Standardization).

ANSI (American National Standards Institute)

ibr standards portal standards incorporated by reference

Click the image to enter the IBR Standards Portal. Access standards that have been incorporated by reference in the U.S. Code of Federal Regulations (CFR). Some are hosted by ANSI (American National Standards Institute) and others by SDOS (Standards Developing Organizations). 

eCFR (Code of Federal Regulations)

Click the image to visit the eCFR system. Browse or search for specific codes or subject areas. 


assist logo

Select the ASSIST logo to search over 100,000 technical documents, defense and federal specifications, NATO standards, and more. "ASSIST is the official source for specifications and standards used by the Department of Defense."


Scroll down to search standards by keyword, number, or browse topics.

ACCA (Air Conditioning Contractors of America)

Manual D : residential duct systems cover art

Manual D : Residential Duct Systems

Residential Load Calculations : Manual J

Residential Load Calculations : Manual J

Manual RS : Comfort, air quality, and efficiency by design

Manual RS : Comfort, Air Quality, and Efficiency by Design

acca manual zr

Manual Zr: Residential Zoning

ASTM (American Society for Testing and Materials) International

American Society for Testing and Materials

Click the ASTM International logo to view current standards with description and scope. Request the desired standard(s) through ILL (Inter Library Loan) HERE. We will do our best to find it for you.

ISO (International Organization for Standardization)

Select the ISO logo to access read-only ISO standards. Note the plugin requirements on their web page prior to viewing standards.

ASME (American Society of Mechanical Engineers)

asme setting the standard logo

Select the ASME logo to view titles and descriptions of standards. Request desired standards through ILL (Inter Library Loan) HERE. We will do our best to locate them for you.

ASCE (American Society of Civil Engineers)

asce logo

Click the ASCE logo to search or browse civil engineering standards. If we do not have access to your desired standard, request it through ILL (Inter Library Loan) HERE. We will do our best to get it for you.

IEEE (Institute of Electrical & Electronic Engineers)

ieee logo

Select the image to access read-only versions of IEEE standards. 

ASHRAE (American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers)

ashrae logo
Select the image to access read-only ASHRAE standards and guidelines.

NFPA (National Fire Protection Association)

nfpa logo

Select the logo for free access to NFPA standards. Review the instructions for free access near the bottom of their web page.

API (American Petroleum Institute)

api American Petroleum Institute

Select the API logo to access free API standards. Follow the site's instruction for creating an account.


IEEE Computer Science Standards

ieee computer science logo

Select the image to search or browse IEEE Computer engineering standards.

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