Eurodocs: Britain, 1816-1918 --Extensive list of links, including Treasures of the [British] National Archives, Cabinet Papers, Hansard [Parliamentary Debates]; Proceedings of the Old Bailey Online, History of the Workhouse, Crystal Palace, British Documents on the Orgins of the War (World War I), The First World War: Sources for History, Documents of the Interwar Period.
Eurodocs: Britain, 1919 to the present --Another list of links, including British War Blue Book on outbreak of war in 1939, the French Yellow Book, Crisis over Czechoslovakia 1938, Neville Chamberlain speeches, emergence of Anglo-American alliance, uneasy alliance between Britain and USSR during World War II, Battle of Britain, Archives Normandie 1939-1945, the Brlitish home front, M15 documents regarding British traitors, double agents, and Nazi spies; Margaret Thatcher Doundation.
British History Online--"Digital library containing some of the core printed primary and secondary sources for the medieval and modern history of the British Isles. Created by the Institute of Historical Research and the History of Parliament Trust, we aim to support academic and personal users around the world in their learning, teaching and research."
The National Archives (United Kingdom)--Online Records. --Over 5% of the National Archives' records have been digitised. This list includes archives records digitized by partners.
British Cabinet Papers, 1915-1981
British Cartoon Archive --Documents the history of British cartooning over the past 200 years.
British Diplomatic Oral History Programme --Interviews with former diplomats or other officials who have played a significant role in events bearing on international relations.
Victorian Web --Over 60,000 documents concentrating on Great Britain in the age of Victoria (1837-1901).