Sample: Is the Corps of Engineers at fault with the collapse of the levees in New Orleans? Should we be rebuilding the levees at all?
What is the question asking? Do you have any preexisting knowledge of the topic?
Is the Corps of Engineers at fault with the collapse of the levees in New Orleans? Should we be rebuilding the levees at all?
Is the Corps of Engineers at fault with the collapse of the levees in New Orleans? Should we be rebuilding the levees at all?
Using synonyms for search terms can retrieve additional relevant results.
E.g. Collapse = break, breach, topple, fall
AND narrows searches to results containing all included keywords. For example:
“hurricane katrina” AND levees | "new orleans levees" AND engineer* |
cybersecurity AND data
OR broadens searches to include any of the search terms. Also, use OR for synonyms. For example:
"new orleans levees" AND collapse OR breach
Use NOT to exclude terms from your search results
Using NOT excludes results that you do not want included in your search, providing narrower results. I
"new orleans levees" AND "hurricane katrina" NOT "hurricane rita" | "new orleans levees" AND engineer* NOT fema
Use quotation marks for exact phrases. Otherwise, your search finds each word alone, leading to many irrelevant results.
“New orleans levees” | “corps of engineers” | “hurricane katrina”
Use an asterisk * to shorten a term to include variations.
engineer* = engineers, engineering, engineered | ethic* = ethic, ethics, ethical, ethically
*Not every word is conducive for truncation. For example, stor* will return results with story, store, storm, and storage.
Wildcards maximize searches. Use "?" for a single letter: wom?n finds woman & women. Similarly, engineer? finds engineers but not engineered/engineering.
Citation managers like Sciwheel organize your citations and make the writing process more efficient.
Be patient and give yourself ample time to explore your topic in different ways and in various databases.
Acronyms that have more than one use can return large numbers of irrelevant results.
SST = Supersonic transport, Smart systems and technologies, sea surface temperature
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