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Reconstruction, 1865-1877

Resources for studying Reconstruction in the United States, 1865-1877

Key Periodical Databases

Additional Journal and Periodical Databases

Click on the "i" for additional information, including specific Civil War titles included.

If you have a citation from a book or article bibliography...

Go to the Online and Print Journals page, enter the title of the journal, and see if it is available in any of our subscription databases or in the Library in physical form. Check to make sure your date is covered, then click on the database name, or make a note to come by the library. If we don't have direct access to the journal issue you need, please fill out an interlibrary loan request form.

Printed Periodical Indexes

Yes, there was life before computers! We still have the old printed journal indexes which are useful for articles written before computerized databases.  However, for most topics it would be more time saving to look at the bibliography of the most current secondary book on the topic that is available.

These indexes are now housed on the 4th floor in the periodicals room.

Poole's Index to Periodical Literature (1802-1906). Ref. AI3 .P7 1938.  This is included in the database 19th Century Masterfile, available at Sam Houston State University Library, Texas A & M University Library, and the University of Texas at Austin.

Combined Retrospective Index to Journals in History, 1838-1974. Ref. Z6205 .C18.

Nineteenth Century Reader's Guide (1890-1899). Ref. AI3 .R47.

Reader's Guide to Periodical Literature (1900-2001). Ref. AI3 .R47.

International Index to Periodicals. (1907-1965). Ref. AI3 .R49.

Social Science and Humanities Index (1955-1974). Ref. AI3 .R49.

Humanities Index (1974-1996). Ref. AI3 .H35.




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