Over the past few years more than one student has been interested in some aspect of women of East Texas in the Civil War. Since not all of these titles are easy to discover, I decided to go ahead and publish this bibliography online. I've indicated in brackets where specifically these women were located, and I've defined East Texas somewhat broadly. As a suggestion, you cannot go wrong starting with Sarah Katherine Stone Holmes' Brokenburn: The Journal of Kate Stone, partially set here in Tyler. She's a wealthy young refugee woman from Louisiana who spends part of the war living in the original part of the Goodman Museum house. It is probably the most commonly quoted source for a woman in Texas during the Civil War.
Books and Periodicals:
Baker, T. Lindsay and Julie P. Baker, eds. Till Freedom Cried Out: Memories of Texas Slave Life. College Station: Texas A&M University Press, 1997. [various locations]
Beck, Fannie Davis Veale. On the Texas Frontier: Autobiography of a Texas Pioneer. St. Louis: Britt Printing and Publishing Company, 1937. [first year of war in Dresden, Navarro County]
Betts, Vicki, ed. "'So Far From All We Love': Letters from the Lobdell Family, Civil War Refugees from West Baton Route Parish, Louisiana," Chronicles of Smith County, Texas (2015): 37-45. [Smith County]
Brown, Fannie. Diary of Fanny Brown, 1861, 1863-August 25, 1864. Photocopy in the Local History Room of Longview Public Library. [Cotton Plant, Rusk (now Gregg) County, Texas]
Bryan, Jimmy L., Jr., ed. "'Whip Them Like the Mischief:' The Civil War Letters of Frank and Mintie Price." Edited by Jimmy L. Bryan, Jr. East Texas Historical Journal 36 no. 2 (1998), 68-84. [San Augustine]. https://scholarworks.sfasu.edu/ethj/vol36/iss2/13/
Byson, Mary. "Sister Susan Has Lost Three Sons" in Heroines of Dixie: The Winter of Desperation. Edited by Katharine M. Jones. New York: Ballantine Books,1955, pp. 69-70. [Red River County] E487 .J753 1975.
Coleman, John Nathan and Virginia Eliza "Jennie" Adkins Papers. http://digitalcollections.baylor.edu/cdm/landingpage/collection/tx-colm [Marshall, Texas]
Connor, Orange Cicero and Mary America Aikin. Dear America: Some Letters of Orange Cicero and Mary America (Aikin) Connor. Austin: Jenkins Pub. Co., 1971. E605 .C76 1971.
Henson, Margaret Swett and Deolece Parmelee. The Cartwrights of San Augustine: Three Generations of Agrarian Entrepreneurs in Nineteenth-Century Texas. Austin: Texas State Historical Association, 1993. [San Augustine]
Holmes, Sarah Katherine Stone. Brokenburn: The Journal of Kate Stone, 1861-1868. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University, 1955, 1972, 1995. [Tyler, TX] E487 .H74 1972
James, Kate. Sketches of Kate James: Dallas County Pioneer. Garland, Tex. : Garland Landmark Society, 2009. [Garland, Texas]
Mann, Rufus and Mary Mann. Letters. Texas General Land Office, Austin, Texas. finding aid: http://www.glo.texas.gov/history/archives/collections/index.html#item/15 [Mt. Vernon, Texas]
Marsh, Bryan and Mittie. "The Confederate Letters of Bryan Marsh." Chronicles of Smith County, Texas 14 no. 2 (Winter, 1975): 9-30, 43-55. [p.49] [Tyler] bound periodicals--4th floor of library. Includes Mittie's letters to Bryan.
Minor, Mary J. Papers. Center for American History. University of Texas at Austin. [near Paris/Clarksville]
Neblett, Elizabeth Scott. A Rebel Wife in Texas: The Diary and Letters of Elizabeth Scott Neblett, 1852-1864. Edited by Erika L. Murr. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University, 2001. E605 .N34 2001. [Grimes County]
Neel Family Civil War Papers. Texas General Land Office, Austin, Texas. finding aid: http://www.glo.texas.gov/history/archives/collections/index.html#item/16 [Ellis County, Texas]
Perry, Theophilus and Harriet Perry. Widows by the Thousand: The Civil War Letters of Theophilus and Harriet Perry, 1862-1864. Edited by M. Jane Johansson. Fayetteville, AR: University of Arkansas Press, 2000. [Harrison County]. E580.6 28TH .P47 2000
Pickrell, Annie Doom. Pioneer Women in Texas. Austin: E. L. Steck Co., 1929. Reprint ed. Austin: State House Press, 1991. F385 .P5
Pierson, M. J. Letters. Texas State Archives, Austin, Texas. [Lamar County]
"Rebecca Ann Patillo Bass Adams" in Texas Tears and Texas Sunshine: Voices of Frontier Women. Edited by Jo Ella Powell Exley. College Station: Texas A&M University Press, 1985, pp. 130-141. [near Fairfield] F381 .T53 1985
Simms, Addie J. Letters. Box 2R178, University of Texas at Austin Archives. [Gentry Station, near Houston]
Skelton, Stephen R., ed. Through the Valley of the Shadow of Death: The Civil War Manuscript Collection of Captain Harvey Alexander Wallace, 5th South Carolina Infantry and 19th Texas Infantry, Walker's Texas Division. Westminster, Md. : Willow Bend Books, 2004. [Includes some letters to and from Rusk County]
Starr, Sarah Joyce Rutherford. "'Yours Heart and Hand': An Analysis of the Correspondence of James and Patience Crain Black, 1861-1865." M.A. thesis, Baylor University, 1990. [Waco area]
Tongate, Vicki Adams. "Transcendent Ties: A Northern Girl's Sojourn in Confederate Texas: The Lucy Pier Stevens Diary." M.A. thesis, Southern Methodist University, 2002. [Brenham, Texas].
Tongate, Vicki Adams. Another Year Finds Me in Texas: The Civil War Diary of Lucy Piers Stevens. Austin: University of Texas Press, 2016. [Brenham, Texas]
Trammell, Camilla Davis. Seven Pines: Its Occupants and Their Letters, 1825-1872. Rev. ed. Dallas: Southern Methodist University Press, 1987. [Liberty, TX] F394.L5 T73 1986
Waerenskjold, Elise Amalie Tvede. The Lady with the Pen: Elise Waerenskjold in Texas. Northfield, Minn.: Norwegian-American Historical Association, 1961. [Van Zandt/Kaufman Counties]
Waerenskjold, Elise Amalie Tvede. Light on the Prairie: New Writings of Elise Waerenskjold. Houston: Shining Brightly Books, 2010. [Van Zandt/Kaufman Counties]
Williams, T. R., Jr. "A Ouachita Family's Texas Sojourn: Excerpts from the Diary of Elizabeth Ann Bartlett Russell." Journal [North Louisiana Historical Association] 15 no. 4 (1984): 167-172. [refugee to Wood and Upshur County]
Public Voice of Texas Women--newspaper articles by or quoting Texas women, 1861-1865
Civil War Newspapers--while news about Texas women can appear anywhere, pay close attention to the Austin State Gazette, Bellville Countryman, Clarksville Standard, Dallas Herald, Democrat and Planter [Columbia, TX], East Texas Times, Galveston Weekly News, Harrison Flag, Henderson Times, Houston Tri-Weekly Telegraph, Indianola Courier, Lagrange newspapers, Marshall Texas Republican, Ranchero, San Antonio Herald, Semi-Weekly News [San Antonio], Texas Baptist, Texas miscellaneous titles, and Tyler Reporter. Newspapers frequently clipped and published articles from other newspapers, or ran state news columns, so look beyond East Texas titles. Note at the bottom the links to "By Title" and "Special Topics."
See also the database Texas Historical Newspapers in Databases by Title list. Restricted to UT Tyler current students, staff, and faculty for off-site access, but available to all at the Library. Even more Civil War era Texas newspapers are in the free database Portal to Texas History.
Letters Home--often respond to women's letters or give opinions about problems at home
Broughton, Edward Thomas. "Letters to Mollie: The Letters of Edward Thomas Broughton to Mary Elizabeth Douglas Broughton (1861-1864)." Compiled by Mary Lee Anderson Barnes. http://battleofraymond.org/history/letters.htm. (Accessed January 29, 2018). [Kaufman, Texas]
Browning, F. Marion. "Browning Civil War Letters." http://files.usgwarchives.net/tx/smith/military/conf/browning.txt (accessed January 29, 2018). [Smith County] Also published as "Browning Civil War Letters." East Texas Family Records 3 no. 3 (Fall 1979): 8-12. [Co. F, 14th Texas Cavalry]
Christian, John R. "Civil War Letters of John R. Christian." Chronicles of Smith County, Texas 30 no. 2 (Winter 1991): 27-29. [Co. G, 11th Texas Infantry, Smith County]
Cook, David. "The Civil War Letters of David Cook: 'I Seat Myself to Write.'" Introduction by Andrew L. Leath. Chronicles of Smith County, Texas 36 no. 2 (Winter 1997): 26-29. [35th Texas Cavalry, Smith County]
Crow, Z. H. "A Smith County Confederate Writes Home." Edited by F. Lee Lawrence and Robert W. Glover. Chronicles of Smith County, Texas 4 no. 2 (Fall 1965): 11-14 [Co. C, 17th Texas Cavalry, Smith County]
Douglas, James P. Douglas's Texas Battery, CSA. Ed. Lucia Rutherford Douglas. Tyler: Smith County Historical Society/Commission, 1966. [Smith County] E580.4.D6 D6
Douglas, James P. "An Update: The Douglas Letters." Edited by June P. Trop. Chronicles of Smith County, Texas 22 no. 1 (Summer 1983): 13-27. [Smith County]
Fleishel, Marcus. "A Southern Victory." Introduction by Marc B. Smith, Jr. Chronicles of Smith County, Texas 22 no. 1 (Summer 1983): 38-41. [letter from Douglas Texas Battery after Battle of Richmond, Kentucky] [Smith County]
Garret, David R. The Civil War Letters of David R. Garett, Detailing the Adventures of the 6th Texas Cavalry, 1861-1865. Edited by Max Lale. Marshall, Tex.: Port Caddo Press, 1963?. [Van Zandt and Kaufman Counties]
Gaston, Robert H. and William H. Gaston. Tyler to Sharpsburg. Edited by Robert W. Glover. Waco: Morrison, 1960. [Smith County]
Goree, Thomas Jewett. The Thomas Jewett Goree Letters. Bryan, Texas: Family History Foundation, 1981. v.1. The Civil War correspondence. [Huntsville, Texas]
Green, Thomas. "Sift Sand for Dixie Land: A War Time Letter from Thomas Green, September 3, 1862." Chronicles of Smith County, Texas 6 no. 1 (Spring 1967): 37-39. [Henderson County, Texas, Co. G, 12th Texas Dragoons]
Hull, James Henry Lauriston. "Civil War Letters of James Henry Lauriston Hull." Transcribed by Jamie Brinkoeter. http://txgenwebcounties.org/panola/hullcivilwarletters.html (Accessed January 29, 2018). [Carthage, Texas]
Keener, Lawson Jefferson. Letters from Lawson Jefferson Keener Written During His Confederate Service to Alcesta (Allie) Benson Carter. Comp. by Lawson Keener Lacy. Longview, Tex.: Mrs. Rogers Lacy, 1963. [Rusk County]
Littlejohn, Elbridge. "The Civil War Letters of Elbridge Littlejohn: Part 1." Edited by Vicki Betts. Chronicles of Smith County, Texas 17 no. 2 (Winter 1978): 8-60. "The Civil War Letters of Elbridge Littlejohn: Part 2." Edited by Vicki Betts. Chronicles of Smith County, Texas 18 no. 1 (Sujmmer 1979): 11-50. [Co. G, 10th Texas Cavalry--Smith County, Texas]
Long, James B. "Dear Mother: A Wartime Letter from a Smith County Soldier in Douglas's Texas Battery, C. S. A." Chronicles of Smith County, Texas 9 no. 2 (Fall 1970): 19-20. [Smith County, Texas]
Simmons, John. "The Confederate Letters of John Simmons." Edited by Jon Harrison. Chronicles of Smith County, Texas 14 no. 1 (Summer 1975): 25-27. [Co. I, 22nd Texas Infantry] [Smith County, Texas]
Stoker, William E. "William Elisha Stoker: A Texas Farmer's Civil War." http://housedivided.dickinson.edu/stoker/ (Accessed May 3, 2012). [Upshur County]
Street, J. K. J. K. Street Civil War Letters: 9th Texas Infantry from Paris, Lamar County, Texas. Edited by Julie Williams Coley. n.p.: CreateSpace, 2010. [Lamar County]
Van Zandt, Khleber M. Civil War Letters of Khleber Miller Van Zandt, Major, Seventh Texas Infantry, C.S.A. Edited by Bill Sloan. n.p.: Bill Sloan, 1988. [Harrison County]
Watson, James Monroe. Confederate From East Texas: The Civil War Letters of James Monroe Watson. Ed. by Judy Watson McClure. Quanah, Tex: Nortex Press, 1976. [Rusk County]
Secondary Sources
Benjamin, Ronald Leon. "East Texas in the Civil War." M.A. thesis, Lamar State College of Technology, 1970.
Betts, Vicki. "'A Sacred Charge Upon Our Hands': Assisting the Families of Confederate Soldiers in Texas, 1861-1865," in The Seventh Star of the Confederacy: Texas in the Civil War. Edited by Kenneth Wayne Howell. Denton, Tex.: University of North Texas Press, 2009. E580 .S43 2009.
Betts, Vicki. Smith County, Texas, in the Civil War. Tyler, Tex.: Smith County Historical Society, 1977. Special Collections. F492.S55 B47.
Campbell, Randolph B. An Empire for Slavery: The Peculiar Institution in Texas, 1821-1865. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University, 1989. E445.T47 C35 1989.
Campbell, Randolph B. A Southern Community in Crisis: Harrison County, Texas, 1850-1880. Austin: Texas State Historical Association, 1983. F392.H39 C35 1983.
Levengood, Paul A. "In the Absence of Scarcity: The Civil War Prosperity of Houston, Texas." Southwestern Historical Quarterly 101 no. 4 (April 1998): 401-426. https://texashistory.unt.edu/ark:/67531/metapth117155/m1/484/
Liles, Deborah M. and Angela Boswell, eds. Women in Civil War Texas: Diversity and Dissidence in the Trans-Mississippi. Denton: University of North Texas Press, 2016.
Marks, Paul Mitchell. Hands to the Spindle: Texas Women and Home Textile Production, 1822-1880. College Station: Texas A&M University Press, 1996. HD6073.T42 U55 1996.
Martin, James. "Slaves and Rebels: The Peculiar Institution in Texas, 1861-1865." East Texas Historical Journal 28 no. 1 (1991): 29-36. https://scholarworks.sfasu.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=2025&context=ethj
Mills, Betty J. Calico Chronicle: Texas Women and Their Fashions, 1830-1910. Lubbock: Texas Tech Press, 1985. GT610 .M49 1985.
Rowe, Beverly J. "How the Civil War Changed the Lives of Women in Southwest Arkansas and East Texas: A Thesis in History." M.S. thesis, East Texas State University—Texarkana, 1992.
Russell, Charles H. Undaunted: A Norwegian Woman in Frontier Texas. College Station: Texas A & M University Press, 2006. [Van Zandt/Kaufman Counties]
Silverthorne, Elizabeth. Plantation Life in Texas. College Station: Texas A&M University Press, 1986. F391 .S57 1986.
Snider, Joleen Maddox. "Sarah Devereux: A Study in Southern Femininity." Southwestern Historical Quarterly 97 no. 3 (January 1994): 478-508. [Rusk County] https://texashistory.unt.edu/ark:/67531/metapth117154/m1/543/?q=%22sarah+devereux+a+study%22
Winfrey, Dorman H. Julien Sidney Devereux and His Monte Verdi Plantation. Waco: Texian Press, 1964. [Rusk County]
Wooster, Ralph A. "Life in Civil War East Texas." East Texas Historical Journal 3 (October 1965): 93-102. https://scholarworks.sfasu.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?referer=https://www.google.com/&httpsredir=1&article=1075&context=ethj
Wooster, Ralph A. and Robert Wooster. "A People at War: East Texans During the Civil War." East Texas Historical Journal 28 no. 1 (1990): 3-16. https://scholarworks.sfasu.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=2023&context=ethj