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These are basic guidelines to citing sources for your works cited page using APA style.
Shanker, J. L., & Cockrum, W. A. (2014). Reading inventory (6th ed.).
Boston, MA: Pearson Education.
Note: Only put an edition number if you are using an edition older than the first.
Book with an Editors Instead of Authors
Flood, J., & Anders, P. L. (Eds.). (2005). Literacy development of students in
urban schools: Research and policy. Newark, DE: International Reading
Journal article read in print or from a database, no doi assigned
McCollin, M., O'Shea, D., & McQuiston, K. (2010). Improving vocabulary and
comprehension skills of secondary-level students from diverse
backgrounds. Preventing School Failure, 54, 133-136.
Journal article, with doi
Schryer, E., & Sloat, E. (2015). Effects of an animated book reading
intervention on emergent literacy skill development: An early
pilot study. Journal of Early Intervention, 37, 155-171.
doi: 10.1177/1053815115598842
Note: For more information on DOI numbers see the box below or refer to the APA Style Manual, 6th Edition.
Journal article with three to seven authors
Miciak, J., Stuebing, K. K., Vaughn, S., Roberts, G., Barth, A. E., Fletcher, J.
M., & VanDerHeyden, A. (2014). Cognitive attributes of adequate and
inadequate responders to reading intervention in middle school. School
Psychology Review, 43, 407-427.
Dissertation from a database
Crittenden, E. M. (2013). The effectiveness of two spelling approaches on
vocabulary development for Hispanic learners. (Doctoral dissertation).
Retrieved from ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global. (3560525).
Clarke, B. L. (2014). Rurality and reading readiness: The mediating role of
parent engagement (R2Ed Working Paper No. 2014-1). Retrieved from
the National Center for Research on Rural Education
APA 7 Style Rule for DOI
When citing journal articles (print or electronic), APA style requires the inclusion of the DOI, if it is available (see example below).
What it is:
A DOI is a unique "digital object identifier" that is permanently attached to a specific article. It is a cross of numbers and letters, and always begins with a "10."
When & How to Cite a DOI:
If a DOI is available for an article being cited, it must be included (as the final element, without a full stop/period) in the reference.
When used, the DOI replaces an article's URL in the reference.
Neither the URL nor an access date are included when the DOI is used in a reference.
Locating the DOI
You can find the DOI either...
1) in the database record (there will be a field in the article record that says "DOI") or
2) on the first page of the article, usually near the copyright information.
No Apparent DOI?
If you don't see a DOI in the online article information or printout, you can query it's DOI status by clicking and entering in your citation information.
Further Info
For more information, consult the APA Style Manual. The APA website also has a helpful video tutorial on finding DOIs.