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UT Tyler Dissertations and Theses Guide

Authors: Some Things You Should Know About the Repository and Open Access

Scholar Works at UT Tyler is UT Tyler's Institutional Repository (IR). An institutional repository organizes, preserves, and disseminates digital materials created by institutions and its community members. It allows faculty and students a way to distribute their work to audiences outside their institution, serving as either an alternative or complement to traditional publishing. Scholar Works at UT Tyler is built to maintain the scholarly and artistic output of the UT Tyler community by storing, preserving, and providing access to documents and publications by students, faculty, and staff. Full text of most works deposited in Scholar Works are freely accessible to the world via the web.

Author Rights

Choosing open access for your work does not prevent publication in professional, proprietary journals.
Thousands of professional journals allow authors to submit an open access copy of their work to their Institutional Repository. 
To find out more about specific journal policies pertaining to open access and self-archiving, please consult the SHERPA/RοMEO website where you can title search thousands of journals.
Even if the journal being considered is not listed in SHERPA/RoMEO or they do not have specific open access guidelines, you can still include addendums with changes or exceptions to a publisher's default policies. 
Things to do Before Signing a Publication Agreement: know your rights as an author!!!
Here are examples of the kinds of rights authors should consider before signing contracts with publishers:
• The right to make reproductions for teaching purposes, scholarship, or research.
• The right to borrow and/or publish portions of your thesis/dissertation in future work.
• The right to display the work (i.e., link to full-text on resumes, cover letter, personal website)
• The right to archive and preserve you thesis/dissertation in an institutional repository.
Sample Addendums to consider for inclusion in your own publication agreement can be found at SPARC (Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition) and Science Commons.

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