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Finding Survey Instruments and Questionnaires: Abstract Nested "OR" Search

Search Using Abstracts (field) Nested "OR" Strategy

To nested "OR" Abstract-search Health Business Elite for instruments,

1) Enter your topic search terms (variables you hope to measure) in the first search box



2) In the next search box, enter the following search strategy:

Survey* OR Questionnaire* OR Scale* OR Inventor* OR "Interview Schedule*"



3) In the adjacent drop-down menu (to the strategy you just entered) scroll down and select (click to highlight) AB Abstract.



4) Click the Search button to initiate the search.



Search Using All Text (field) Nested "OR" Strategy

To nested "OR" All Text-search Health Business Elite for instruments,

1) Enter your topic search terms (variables you hope to measure) in the first search box



2) In the next search box, enter the following search strategy:

Survey* OR Questionnaire* OR Scale* OR Inventor* OR "Interview Schedule*"



3) In the adjacent drop-down menu (to the strategy you just entered) scroll down and select (click to highlight) TX All Text.



4) Click the Search button to initiate the search.




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