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HIST 4379: Antebellum America ("The Age of Jackson")

James Monroe

Papers of James Monroe at the American Presidency Project - Letters, inaugural address, annual messages, special messages, proclamations, veto messages

John Quincy Adams

Papers of John Quincy Adams at the American Presidency Project - inagural address, annual messages, special messages, executive orders, proclamations,

Diaries of John Quincy Adams at the Massachusetts Historical Society.

Life in a New England Town, 1787, 1788:  Diary of John Quincy Adams while a student in the office of Theophilus Parsons at Newburyport (Google Books)

Memoirs of John Quincy Adams:  Comprising portions of his diary from 1795 to 1848, vol. 10 (Google Books).

Writings of John Quincy Adams:  1820-1823 (Google Books)

Speech Upon the Right of the People, Men and Women, to Petition...Relating to the Annexation of Texas to This Union (Google Books)

Argument of John Quincy Adams, Before the Supreme Court of the United States:  In the Case of the United States, Appellants, vs. Cinque, and Others, Africans, Captured in the Schooner Amistad (Google Books)

Letters of John Quincy Adams to His Son, on the Bible and Its Teachings (Google Books)

Andrew Jackson

Papers of Andrew Jackson at the American Presidency Project - inaugural addresses, special messages, executive orders, proclamations, annual messages, veto messages, farewell address.

Martin Van Buren

Papers of Martin Van Buren at the American Presidency Project - inaugural address, special messages, executive orders, proclamations, resolves, annual message, veto message.

Inquiry into the Orgin and Course of Political Parties in the United States (University of Michigan)-- (a little slow to load)

William Henry Harrison

Papers of William Henry Harrison at the American Presidency Project - inaugural address, special message, proclamation, items related to funeral

John Tyler

Papers of John Tyler at the American Presidency Project - announcement of Harrison's death, oath of office, address on assuming office, proclamations, special messages, executive orders, veto messages, annual messages, executive order

James K. Polk

Papers of James K. Polk at the American Presidency Project - inaugural addresses, special messages, executive orders, annual messages, proclamations, veto messages, messages to Congress

Zachary Taylor

Papers of Zachary Taylor at the American Presidency Project - inaugural address, special message, executive order, proclamations, annual messages, announcements of death

Millard Fillmore

Papers of Millard Fillmore at the American Presidency Project - announcements of Taylor's death, special messages, proclamations, annual messages, executive orders,

Millard Fillmore Papers, vol. 10 (Google)

Millard Fillmore Papers, vol. 11 (Google)

Franklin Pierce

Papers of Franklin Pierce at the American Presidency Project - inaugural address, special messages, executive orders, annual messages, proclamations, veto messages.

James Buchanan

Papers of James Buchanan at the American Presidency Project - inaugural address, annual messages, other messages to the Senate and House, proclamations, special messages, veto messages, executive orders

Mr. Buchanan's Administration on the Eve of the Rebellion, by himself (Google)

The Works of James Buchanan, vol. 12 (Google)

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